Tuesday, May 5, 2009


A few weeks ago my sister Cristina and I had the pleasure of volunteering our photography services to the W. Htfd Police SWAT team. They were contacting a "Night Stalker Shoot" with area SWAT teams. This training was unique because it was held in complete darkness. There were 2 training sites with different types of rifles, one for close range and one with sniper rifles. The officers use a special night vision lens with IR to shoot these guns in the dark. I wasn't allowed to use my flash (oh what is a girl to do??!!) So with the night vision attached to my camera lens I was able to see what the officers could see in the dark and capture the lasers aiming at the targets. We were also lucky enough to give the rifles a test run. Wedding Photographer by day and SWAT Girl by night. I like the sound of that!!

Where is the shutter on this thing??!! I mean trigger!!

Cristina is a natural behind a sniper rifle!!

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